Sunday, April 18, 2010

Do you know how proud I am of you?

Ben and Dan hated being called "the boys" as they were growing up as opposed to be individuals and have many stories to tell of me always calling them "the boys". But I just want them to know how proud I am of them. The bottom picture is of Julie and Ben now 4 years married and living near Dayton, Ohio. Julie has been having very serious chronic problems with sympathetic nerve syndrome and thank goodness Ben is the kind person that he is and has been able to help her out for Julie has been confined to a wheelchair from time to time as her legs have given her such pain that she cannot walk. She is taking some acquatic exercises in an effort to control whatever it is that triggers the nerve to fire off pain whenever it feels the need to do so and no one knows why. Julie is a school teacher of special needs children and there will probably have to be adjustments with her classes in future as to how she will accommodate her own physical needs with their needs.
Lilon and Dan (top photo) are expecting their third child. Dan is schooling at Purdue on his Masters/Doctrate program in physics. They have been blessed to be able to buy a home there in Lafayette as they are prepared to be stationed there for quite a while. They have been painting and learning all about plumbing and electrical systems in houses besides quantum physics and food preparation and entertainment for 2 hungry, intelligent little girls with another on the way in the Fall of 2010. I love "my boys" and just wanted them to know it..............xoxoxxo Mum

1 comment:

Dee said...

Bitter Sweet. I'm sorry to hear about Julie's pain especially as it's already so hard to find good spec ed teachers. And lovely to hear about the growth in the merrill clan. I love you Aunty Dinah