Sunday, April 11, 2010

I loved, loved, loved Paris!!!

I never did put my feelings about the trip to Paris into my blog. It was the BEST, BESTUS, GOODEST most TERRIFIC thing I could have done. (There are just no perfect words to describe how great it was). I will have memories of that trip for ever. We did the Metro, Versailles, Mont Matre, Notra Dame, D'Orsey and every other side street you can think of. The free trip around the streets of Paris was the greatest little side gift and the commedienne was soo FRENCH and so funny. I need to mention here for posterity about leaving my green card in Florida in the drawer in my kitchen and not being able to get on the plane because I must look very much like a terrorist or something because my passport says that I am a resident ALIEN of the US and they (the French or US govt) would not even give me a visitors visa to fly into the US and get my greencard from the drawer. NO.....I had to wait four days, forfiet my flight, pay for a hotel, pay for an inquiry as to whether I was a terrorist or not or on the 10 MOST WANTED list or something, pay for more photographs, to make sure I look like my passport - WHAT ARE THEY - BLIND? and how Rome (that is where the US Homeland Security for Europe reside) knows whether I look like my passport from the Embassy Desk in France I have no idea. But even then with all the walking from the Jardin du Luxembourg (sp?) to the Plaza d'Concord each day and being treated like a disease, I had a great time. I met Mary Knudson from Arizona and her son John and saw how the rich live in Paris in townhouses over the Plaza d'Concord and over the Rue de Rivoli. It was all only icing on the cake after having had some wonderful 5 days with Chris, Rebecca, Kelly and Erin in gay Paris and lets not forget sweet William - what a good baby! I am planning something else in about five years, so girls look out for some great trips to the Greek Islands, or maybe Alaska! Maybe my girls can join us then. Thank you for the memories.......xoxox

1 comment:

Dee said...

I love the bug you get when you do something knew and successfull.