Saturday, July 19, 2008

Do I have a Box of Treasures for you!!!!

Because I have it in mind to maybe move if they offer the position to me in Florida, I have been cleaning out all the old stuff that is of no earthly use, but that has been labeled with the famous "I may need that someday".

I have made several trips to Goodwill and donated my treasures to whomever can use it and each time I come back home the piles begin to grow again. I think they multiply when I am not looking. A lot of the stuff are things that people gave me and foolish me said I would take it because I could see a need for that "one of these days". Well at 60 years of age I have finally learnt that one of these days is never going to come and all I am doing is creating a fire hazard so I have been madly sorting and boxing and cleaning.

Friends are no help! They come by to box stuff and say "Why are you throwing that out, you may need that someday!" So they go home with a box of stuff that I gladly let them have because "they may need it someday".

This is only the stuff that I have stashed, this is not the stuff I have to pack and move...that will be a ginormous project in itself. Hopefully the kids will take some of the extra-good stuff to use in their homes, or I may have a garage sale, though that thought sounds like too much work. They may not offer me the job and I may be just left with nice clean cupboards for once in my life. Only the Lord knows what is in store for me. But one of the sisters did come forth and ask to rent my place if I was in that frame of mind. So only He knows what the next step will be and I am glad I am in His hands.

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