Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The other side of the story.

This is a picture of my very own beginning of daffodil principle and they are blooming.

The other side of the story (from the blog below) is that some years ago there was a huge forest fire around the Bauer home and several thousand acres and homes were lost to the fire. Everyone thought “What a loss….the daffodils are gone!”

Then the next spring there they were poking through the blackened earth and amongst the skeleton blackened forest, acres and acres, all yellow and sunny and bringing cheer to many who had had such a loss during the previous summer.
You can now see Mrs. Bauer's garden as the Daffodil Garden in Running Springs, California, a commercial park that began all those years ago and brings so much pleasure each year.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Just goes to show that after trials beautiful things can blossom. Love you. xx