Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Baby Flipped

I got a phone call last week from Ariana to tell me the baby was lying Transverse (which means across the womb from side to side) and that the doc was planning a C section if the baby did not turn to head down position. Well I come from good old Irish stock and somewhere had listened to all the stories that pass around in the family from time to time. Says I to Ariana, "You have to do flips and flip the baby". We laughed and laughed envisioning her on the trampoline and all sorts of things. But Ariana assured me it was not so far fetched and that she had heard incidences of this before and that she would go down to the swimming pool and do flips every day and would move on her hands and knees. (I suppose this confuses the baby as to which way is up :) or perhaps there is a more scientific formula like inertia and relativity, but not being a scientist, I will go with confused swimmer!) Happy ending is that the baby flipped and now has his head down and she will not have to have a C-section. I hope he is as good a spelunkar as he is a swimmer. (A spelunkar is a person who gets into and out of small spaces, like caves, very well)

1 comment:

Dinah said...

Ariana: I wrote this before I read your blog. Never mind, it adds to the drama. xoxoxox